Literature and Links
Billcliffe, R., The Scottish Colourists (John Murray 1996)
Cursiter, S., Peploe (London, 1947)
Hardie, W., Scottish Painting 1837-1839 (London, 1976)
Hewlett, T., F.C.B. Cadell (Lund Humphries, Farnham, 2011)
Honeyman, T.J., Three Scottish Colourists (London, 1950)
Long, P., The Scottish Colourists 1900-1930 (National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1999)
Morris, M., The Art of J.D. Fergusson: A Biased Biography (Glasgow, 1974)
Peploe, G., F.C.B. Cadell: A Critical Memoir (1940s)
Peploe, G., S.J. Peploe (Lund Humphries, 2012)
Simister, K., A Living Paint: J.D. Fergusson (Mainstream Publishing, 2000)
Smith, B., & Marriner, J., Hunter Revisited: The Life and Art of Leslie Hunter (Atelier Books 2012)
Strang, A., F.C.B. Cadell, National Gallery of Scotland (Edinburgh, 2011)
Strang, A., S.J. Peploe, Yale University Press (2012)
Strang, A., J.D. Fergusson, National Galleries of Scotland (Edinburgh Nov’ 2013)
Scottish artist Samuel Peploe’s infatuation with colour endured until the end, writes Jan Patience
Origins of the Fleming Collection, by Jackie Wullschlager
J.D. Fergusson’s American Exhibitions by Avis Berman, courtesy of JStor
Tim Cornwell on the trail of F.C.B. Cadell, courtesy of The Scotsman
Cadell Francis Cadell was born in Edinburgh on 12 April 1883 at 4 Buckingham Terrace... Read More |
Peploe Peploe was born at 39 Manor Place, Edinburgh on 27 January 1871, the son of Robert Luff Peploe... Peploe |
Hunter [George] Leslie Hunter was the only one of the Colourists who was not associated with Edinburgh... Read More |